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Morgan Turner

Owner, Airport Zero Waste Consulting

TRUE Advisor

Ms. Turner, a certified TRUE Zero Waste Advisor with over 12 years of waste diversion, engineering, and planning experience, recently launched Airport Zero Waste Consulting to leverage her experience and expertise to support airports and other public facilities working to reach zero waste.

She previously served as a Senior Project Manager at solid waste management consulting firm GBB and led Mead & Hunt's Waste Diversion Planning Service.

She is passionate about keeping material out of the landfill and strives to uncover small tweaks that can increase diversion at facilities of all sizes. Morgan has a strong understanding of zero-waste strategies; solid waste regulations; environmental management systems, and sustainability practices.

Representative Waste Diversion Project Experience
As the Waste Diversion Planning Services Leader for Mead & Hunt, she led a project for the National Park Service and Trust for the National Mall to identify strategies to achieve and exceed 50% diversion at the National Mall and Memorial Gardens. Managed analysis of the existing program, development of custom GIS and data tracking tools, coordination with key stakeholders, identification of potential alternatives, and prioritization of recommendations.

As the Services Leader for Mead & Hunt, she led three projects for the Wayne County Airport Authority to identify strategies to increase diversion at each terminal building as well as the administration and maintenance facilities at Detroit Metropolitan Airport. She designed and conducted waste stream composition studies and site inspections and identified near-term and long-term strategies to improve and/or introduce waste reduction, reuse, donation, recycling, composting, education, training, outreach, and other management practices. The Authority has implemented several of the recommendations from this work and is in the process of programming several more.

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Job Title: 
Airport Zero Waste Consulting
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Architecture and Engineering Occupations
Air Transportation
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